The ultimate UI kit for Figma

Untitled UI in 60 seconds

Short attention span? We get it. Here's everything great about Untitled UI in just 60 seconds. Plus, some cool music.
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Untitled UI in 60 seconds
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Join 280,000+ designers from the world's top companies
Gumroad 5 stars

Untitled is the best $129 I've spent on my business in a long time. I'm going to keep using it and recommending it to every designer I know.

Sam Pierce Lolla
Sam Pierce Lolla
Founder, Shuffleboard
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Gumroad 5 stars

Over the years we've featured hundreds of UI kits on UXCrush, but Untitled UI is by far the most comprehensive and detailed I've seen yet. A must have for any designer!

Luca Vavassori
Luca Vavassori
Founder, UXCrush
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

I've used all UI kits on the market. I can say without a doubt that the Untitled UI kit is the best on the market. It covers everything a designer needs in a modern and efficient way.

Murat Alpay
Murat Alpay
Product Designer, @imuratalpay
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

Incredible, and keeps getting better. I’ve tried dozens of UI kits and Untitled UI is the only name you should care about. It stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Jérémy Franck
Jérémy Franck
Designer, @jrmyfranck
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

Such a beautiful, detailed, and extensive UI kit. Untitled UI is the perfect foundation for any project. I highly recommend this huge time saver.

Adham Dannaway
Adham Dannaway
Product Designer, Practical UI
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

Untitled UI has been an amazing resource that I'm learning to rely upon to spin up ideas in no time. I think I might launch a startup pretty soon by mistake here!

Ricardo Buzzotta
Riccardo Buzzotta
Senior Product Designer, Spotify
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

The sheer scale, details, and organization of this kit is mind-blowing. It covers nearly everything a Designer could need in a modern, efficient and systematic way.

Corey Moen
Corey Moen
Senior Brand Designer, Webflow
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

I'm super impressed with this. I love poking around in other peoples UI Kits to see how they think. This is probably one of the most comprehensive I've seen.

Matt Walker
Matt Walker
Design Systems, Mailchimp
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

I'm super excited to use this for quick mockups of ideas in Figma. We're always trying to streamline our design process so we can move fast! Definitely recommend.

Jenny Chu
Jenny Chu
Head of Product, Eucalyptus
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

Untitled UI is easily the best UI kit I've used so far. It has an insane amount of components that are all incredibly well-built. I don't even know how many hours this will save.

Sunny Trochaniak
Sunny Trochaniak
Founder, NewPulse Labs
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

The attention to detail and thought Jordan has put into this UI kit is unparalleled.

Dan Mcleay
Dan Mcleay
Lead Designer, Fox Sports
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

Untitled UI is incredibly well-organized and the attention to detail is great. I highly recommend this kit to any designer that wants to create beautiful designs fast.

Tom Bekkers
Tom Bekkers
Founder & Creative Director, Flowbase
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

What an awesome Figma kit... it's an absolute game changer. This is the perfect base for any design system. The size and attention to detail is next level.

Dan Anisse
Dan Anisse
Co-founder, Relume
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon
Gumroad 5 stars

We've been using Untitled to build Himalayas 2.0 and have finished a complete redesign in just a few days. It has everything we need already pixel-perfect.

Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
Co-founder, Himalayas
Star iconStar iconStar iconStar iconStar icon

The ultimate secret weapon

Scale is easy, but quality is rare

The most popular UI kits for Figma lack in size, flexibility, or quality — usually all three. Untitled UI was built to solve this. We’ve built this design system to be professional quality, while neutral and flexible enough for any project.


Design and prototype faster, with an entire library of ready components.

Design Teams

Get everyone on the same page with a single library. Design faster consistently.

Beginners & Students

Learn how professional design systems are built and learn Figma best practices.

Freelance Designers

Deliver high-quality projects faster, take on more clients, and increase your income.


Frequently asked questions

Need help with something? Here are our most frequently asked questions.

What is Untitled UI?

Untitled UI is the largest and best-selling Figma UI kit and design system in the world.

Tired of wasting thousands of hours starting from scratch on every project and rebuilding the same components? Untitled UI comes packed full with everything you need to design modern and beautiful UI and websites.

Join 280,000+ designers from the world's top companies. Kickstart any project, save thousands of hours, and level up as a designer.

Why do I need a UI kit?

Good question! We used to ask this all the time. You don’t realize the power of a high-quality UI kit until you start using one. A good UI kit saves you time and money usually spent on meticulously building the same components over and over again. It can 10-100x your workflow.

A good way to frame it is to ask the question, “will this UI kit save me a few hours of work in a project?” If the answer is YES, it’s probably worth the investment. Then it becomes an asset you can use in unlimited future projects.

We built Untitled UI out of necessity. We tried a bunch of UI kits for Figma, but found they lacked in size, flexibility, or quality — usually all three — and we ended up having to remake all the poor-quality components.

We needed an “ultimate starter” kit for new freelance projects and design systems, rather than having to start from scratch each time. We were sick of rebuilding the same common components over and over again... It's also the boring part in the design process!

Untitled UI was built to solve this. We’ve thought of everything you need to design modern and beautiful UI and websites and have wrapped it into one neatly organized package.

You can use this UI kit in unlimited projects. In fact, we designed it this way — to be as neutral, flexible, and scalable as possible to use as a kickstarter for any project.

Does Untitled UI include the new Figma features?

Yes! We’ve completely refactored Untitled UI to support Figma’s latest new features, including those released at Framework 2024 and Config 2024. This includes color variables (dark mode), spacing, radius, typography, and effects variables, Auto Layout 5.0, min/max widths, Auto Layout wrapping, and much more.

We're always working to make Untitled UI better than ever with and implement new Figma features into our products as fast as possible. You can follow along with updates to Untitled UI via our changelog. We'll also update everyone via email when we release an update.

What is the difference between the three versions?

We’ve split the PRO version of Untitled UI into three different versions:

  • Untitled UI PRO VARIABLES: Supports all the latest features announced at Config 2024, including color, spacing, radius, width, typography, and effects variables (including dark mode!) and Auto Layout 5.0 (min/max widths and wrapping).
  • Untitled UI PRO STYLES: Supports Auto Layout 5.0 (min/max widths and wrapping) but does not include variables for those who prefer to keep their workflow simple.
  • Untitled UI PRO LITE: Our lightweight version of the full Untitled UI PRO STYLES kit has also been updated to support Auto Layout 5.0 (min/max widths and wrapping). It’s 55% lighter and faster and includes everything you need.

All three UI kits are included for the price of one when you purchase Untitled UI. Why? So you can choose which system works best for your workflow or project.

Designers and teams should feel empowered, not overwhelmed. If you aren’t using design tokens or variables already in your projects, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. You don't have to use variables in Figma if you don't want to!

We will continue to update a non-variables version of Untitled UI for the foreseeable future so you can continue to work with styles if you prefer to. It’s just as up-to-date with all the other new features.

Is there a dark mode version of the kit?

Dark mode is here! Untitled UI PRO VARIABLES support Figma’s latest features announced at Config 2024, including color variables and dark mode. Variables allow you to switch any component, layout, or page to dark mode with one click!

You can preview how this works in Untitled UI by navigating to the example marketing website and application example pages.

Free version

Is there a free version available?

Yes, we have a free version of Untitled UI available for you to try out!

It's an incredibly powerful and large UI kit for Figma in it's on right, but it doesn't use the latest component property features announced at Config 2022 or the latest variables and Auto Layout 5.0 features announced at Config 2023, Framework 2024, and Config 2024.

You can duplicate this free UI kit and use it in as many projects as you'd like.

What does the free version include?

The free version of Untitled UI is essentially a slimmed-down version of the full UI kit. It includes global styles, basic components, and a few page examples. Try out the free version!

Lifetime updates

What does "lifetime access" mean?

Once you have purchased the UI kit, you will have access to all of the future updates, free of charge. We'll let you know when updates and improvements are made.

How do I access the files after purchasing?

After purchasing, you will be provided with unique links to access to all the Figma files. You will have full edit access of these files to use in your Figma account.

How do I access updates after purchasing?

After each update, we’ll send you an email with what’s new and post it in our changelog. If you like what you’re reading, you can download the new files.

If you purchased through Lemon Squeezy:

  • From your My Orders page if you made an account.
  • By clicking Download Untitled UI in your original purchase email. These are sent from [email protected] with the subject Your Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system (Untitled UI PRO) receipt.

If you purchased through Gumroad:

  • From your Gumroad library if you made an account.
  • By clicking View content or Access Untitled UI in your original purchase email. These are sent from [email protected] with the subject You bought Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system!

How can I find my receipt email?

If you purchased through Lemon Squeezy:

  • These are sent from [email protected] with the subject Your Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system (Untitled UI PRO) receipt.
  • Try searching in your email inbox from:[email protected] "Untitled UI". If you cannot find the receipt email, it may have been sent to a different email address.

If you purchased through Gumroad:

  • These are sent from [email protected] with the subject You bought Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system!
  • Try searching from:[email protected] "Untitled UI" in your email inbox. If you cannot find the receipt email, it may have been sent to a different email address.

If you get super stuck, we're here to try and help via [email protected]. We're a small team, but will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why don't my links work anymore?

Don’t stress! Please don't panic email us. Your unique download links update regularly but you can always access the most up-to-date link via your original receipt email.

If you purchased through Lemon Squeezy:

  • From your My Orders page if you made an account.
  • By clicking Download Untitled UI in your original purchase email. These are sent from [email protected] with the subject Your Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system (Untitled UI PRO) receipt.

If you purchased through Gumroad:

  • From your Gumroad library if you made an account.
  • By clicking View content or Access Untitled UI in your original purchase email. These are sent from [email protected] with the subject You bought Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system!

Just re-download the PDF and it will have updated unique links.

Using Figma

Do I need to know how to use Figma?

This design system does take full advantage of Figma's more advanced features, including nested components, variants, Auto Layout 5.0, interactive components, the new component properties announced at Config 2022 and the new variables and Auto Layout 5.0 features announced at Config 2023, Framework 2024, and Config 2024.

If you're new to Figma, or keen to learn best practices, check out our free version to see if it's a good fit. The full version will always be here whenever you are ready. We also recommend checking out Figma's Help Center for the best tutorials on these features.

Do I need to use variables?

You don’t have to use variables if you don’t want or need to! We dive into this topic more deeply in our variables documentation page within Untitled UI.

The decision whether or not to use variables is entirely up to you. We've released two different versions of Untitled UI PRO — one that uses color, spacing, and radius variables and one that uses styles instead. Both are included so you can try them both and see which suits your workflow better!


How does support work?

If you're having trouble with Untitled UI, we're here to try and help via [email protected]. We're a small team, but will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note we are not Figma support. If you have a Figma-related question, we recommend checking our Figma's Help Center as a start. Their educational content and documentation is incredibly helpful.

Figma also have great tutorials for key features, such as components, variants, Auto Layout 5.0, interactive components, and component properties.

Do you provide video tutorials?

Not yet, but we're working on it! In the meantime, we've done our best to make it as intuitive as possible and we're adding even more notes and documentation to components.

Education discounts

Do you provide an education discount?

We offer a 50% discount for students which is far more generous than our competitors. Please shoot us an email at [email protected] from your student email and attach a student ID with valid dates before purchasing!

Do I need to pay for Figma if I'm a student?

Figma's Starter plan is 100% free for individuals. If you want to use more advanced features such as team libraries, you'll need to purchase a Professional plan. However, Figma have generously announced all the paid perks of their plans are 100% free for students and educators! You can learn more at Figma Education.


Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, we do! We've recently launched our affiliate program — a simple and easy way to make money for referring people to Untitled UI. Get 30% of every sale you refer. There's no limit on how much you can earn.


Can I use it for commercial projects?

Of course! We'd love to see it. You can use this UI kit to build any type of commercial business, website, app, or project. You can also use it to create unlimited designs for clients and charge them for your services (we won't tell them).

However, you can't use Untitled UI or any assets within Untitled UI to create another UI kit, theme, or template, even if it's not in Figma. Please read our License Agreement before purchasing.

Can I use it for multiple projects?

Absolutely! You can use Untitled UI for as many projects as you like. Please read our License Agreement before purchasing.

What is a user?

A “user” is classified as anyone in your team using the Figma files, assets within the Figma files, or the Figma files published as a library in your team or organization.

You may share access to the Figma files or a published Figma library with your team members or other users only if you've bought a PRO TEAM, PRO ENTERPRISE, or PRO UNLIMITED license.

Do I need a team license?

If you're working solo you only need a single user license. However, if you need to share access to the Figma files or a published Figma library with your team, you'll need to purchase a PRO TEAM, PRO ENTERPRISE, or PRO UNLIMITED license (depending on how big your team is).

Can I use Untitled UI with more than 12 users?

Absolutely! When you get to the purchase page, just choose the PRO UNLIMITED tier. PRO UNLIMITED is perfect for large design teams, companies, and organizations.

Can I upgrade to a team or enterprise license?

If you need to upgrade your license, we'll discount the amount you've paid for your existing license. Just shoot us an email at [email protected].

Can I use this to create and sell a similar product?

Of course not. You may not use this to build, sell or distribute similar design products on your website or on marketplaces. This includes UI kits and templates for other platforms and software. License agreements exist for people like you. Please read our License Agreement before purchasing.

Payments & billing

Is it a one-time payment?

Just a one-time payment! No recurring charges or surprises, we promise.

Do I need to pay for Figma?

Figma's Starter plan is 100% free for individuals. If you want to use more advanced features such as team libraries, dev mode, or multiple variable modes, you'll need to purchase a Professional plan. Learn more about how Figma's pricing works.

Figma have generously announced all the paid perks of their plans are 100% free for students and educators! You can learn more at Figma Education.

Is payment secure?

We use Lemon Squeezy and Gumroad to handle the tricky payment process. They use secure 128-bit SSL encrypted payments, so you're pretty safe!

Can I get an invoice?

If you purchased through Lemon Squeezy, you can generate an invoice from your My Orders page if you made an account. Just click the Generate Invoice button. Here's a guide on how to generate an invoice in Lemon Squeezy.

If you didn't make a Lemon Squeezy account, just click the Generate button in your original purchase email. These are sent from [email protected] with the subject You purchased Untitled UI – Figma UI kit and design system.

If you purchased through Gumroad, just click the Generate button on your receipt from Gumroad after your purchase. Here's a guide on how to generate an invoice in Gumroad.

What is your refund policy?

If there are any serious issues with the file, reach out and let us know within 30-days and we'll issue a full refund. None of our competitors offer refunds, which we thought was a bit sketchy.

Please note we cannot issue a refund if you simply change your mind after purchasing or are unfamiliar with Figma's features. We back Untitled UI 100% and know you'll love it too, but we ask that you please try out the free version of Untitled UI and preview the full version before purchasing to make sure it's right for you and fits your needs.

You'll no longer be able to use Untitled UI in any projects if we issue a refund (including personal/non-commercial projects). We think that's pretty fair! You can read the full refund policy in the License Agreement.

Splitting up the library

Can I split up the library into smaller files?

Absolutely! Figma recently introduced a move published components feature to deal with just this.

This allows you to split up the library into smaller libraries that can be published independently. For example, you may want to split the file into four libraries:

  • Styles and shared components
  • Marketing components
  • Application components
  • Page examples

You don't have to split up the library if you don't want to — it's entirely a personal preference and it can be easier to manage a single library.

We suggest trying out a single library, but moving all the example pages to a separate file once you've published the library. This way they'll always be there if you need them, but it'll remove ~40% of the file size from your file in one go!

Why isn’t the library split up already?

Good question! Currently, it isn’t possible to import more than one file at a time into Figma without breaking links to instances in the design system across the files.

Because of this, the file needs to be imported together and then split up into separate libraries (if you want to do that) after it’s imported. Hopefully, this functionality will be introduced soon!


Is there a version for Sketch or XD?

Unfortunately, no. There are no plans to do a Sketch or Adobe XD version of Untitled UI. Figma is life.

Is Untitled UI affiliated with Figma?

Untitled UI is not affiliated with Figma or Figma's team, nor is it endorsed or sponsored by Figma. We're just big fans!

Get started on My Design System.fig

What are you waiting for? Untitled UI is packed full of everything you need to kickstart that awesome project. Here are a few designs built using Untitled UI.
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Wall of love

Join 280,000+ designers

We've been blown away by the ongoing support from our incredible design community. They inspire us every day. Want to join our wall of love?
5-star rating

I've been using Untitled on 2 projects for 2 months now and I'm amazed how fast it helps me get something polished out of the oven. Really impressed.

Marcos Patiño
Marcos Patiño
5-star rating

@UntitledUI is best UI kit on Figma. Many hours saved. Thank you @jordanphughes.

Chris @ Fusioo
Chris @ Fusioo
5-star rating

We go from idea to MVP super fast. This one client we turned a one-page doc into a full-blown prototype in 14 days. All thanks to the super comprehensive & robust @UntitledUI by @jordanphughes. Huge props to him for building one of the most beloved UI kits.

Siddharth Vij
Siddharth Vij
5-star rating

Untitled UI is the best resource I have ever used, in terms of the order of the components and the way they look. You customise them and that's it.

Gabriele P.
Gabriele P.
5-star rating

Seriously impressed with @UntitledUI. Using it extensively on a current project, and so far it has covered all the components I needed for the application design.

Gonçalo Dias
Gonçalo Dias
5-star rating

Best UI design system on Figma. Looking forward to digging through it again.

☜ art
☜ art
5-star rating

Absolutely love the kit. The best part is lifetime of free updates. I have used this kit on numerous projects and design assignments.

Asit Khanda
Asit Khanda
5-star rating

Untitled UI has been saving my life since 2022.

5-star rating

This is hands down the most stable and high-quality UI kit in the world! It’s a game changer for any design project, providing seamless functionality and exceptional aesthetics. Highly recommend it!

Murat Alpay
Murat Alpay
5-star rating

Over the years we've featured hundreds of UI kits on UXCrush, but Untitled UI is by far the most comprehensive and detailed I've seen yet. A must have for any designer!

Luca Vavassori
Luca Vavassori
Founder, UXCrush
5-star rating

Untitled UI by @jordanphughes is the most insanely comprehensive, organized, and well-designed design system UI kit I've ever seen. Just purchased, and can't wait to dig in.

Jon Moore
Jon Moore
5-star rating

Aging like fine wine. Best money I've ever spent on my work other than (maybe) my Mac.

View our wall of love